Explore the right plan for you
We always recommend that you choose a free trial to start with and get familiar with how to optimise your use of Effidavit.
No credit card required.
₹500 INR per user / month billed annually
Inclusive of GST
₹1,200 Savings
5 application creation limit per month*
Auto annexure and evidence collation
Ready-to-go templates for Individuals, Business, SMEs and Startups
Manage affidavits by client
Private and secure
Access to help resources
Customisable templates and support
All the benefits of Free, but includes:
Unlimited application creation
Suitable for:
Teams requiring customisation
Teams of 10+
*One application constitutes as any one mark applied in multiple classes. One application only counts towards the limit when the affidavit along with the annexures is created and downloaded.
Want more information? Speak to our team.